My Python Exploratory Data Analysis Projects

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a process of analyzing and summarizing data to identify patterns and relationships within the data. In Python, the commonly used libraries for EDA include pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn. Pandas is used to clean and manipulate data, matplotlib is used for plotting, and seaborn provides advanced visualization capabilities. These libraries provide data scientists with the tools to gain insights into their data and make informed decisions about data analysis. Have a look at my projects below.

Brazil Amazon Rainforest Analysis

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is a crucial step in analyzing and understanding the Amazon rainforest dataset. EDA involves cleaning and formatting the data, visualizing patterns and relationships, performing statistical analysis, creating new features, and building predictive models. The goal of EDA is to gain a deep understanding of the data and develop effective strategies for preserving and protecting the Amazon rainforest. Visualizations, and statistical analysis are all powerful tools that can be used in EDA to gain insights into the data and inform decision-making. Click on the link below.

E-Commerce Purchases

Analyzing an e-commerce dataset involves a process of exploring, cleaning, transforming, and modeling the data to gain insights and make informed decisions. This includes steps such as importing and cleaning the data, exploring the data through visualization, transforming the data into a suitable format, performing statistical analysis which can then be used in building predictive models, and evaluating and deploying the models. The goal of analyzing an e-commerce dataset is to gain a deep understanding of the data, identify patterns and relationships, and inform decision-making to drive business outcomes.


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